AWS Workshop

26th May 2014

10:00 am onwards


Nothing ever gets built without an idea first. And start-ups are no different: they start with a simple thought, a small idea. But what’s next? That idea then needs to be developed into a product and into a business. For that to happen, any start-up naturally moves through a number of stages in its lifecycle. Amazon Web Services(AWS) has helped many successful start-ups throughout this lifecycle. Start-ups like Airbnb, Dropbox, Instagram and Pinterest as well as many other start-ups in India have all benefited from AWS as they went from initial idea, to ‘Minimum Viable Product’ (MVP), to scale and ultimately to a successful, profitable business.

This talk will provide an overview of the start-up lifecycle and explain the benefits of the adopting the right infrastructure services in each stage. It will guide through why and how to build your start-up on AWS. In the follow up session, you’d get to interact 1-on-1 with Solution Architects and AWS experts to deep-dive into your
specific architecture.

Take away’s from the session :
Attend this session to learn more about:
• The AWS Cloud platform and services
• How successful start-ups have leveraged AWS across their lifecycle
• Case studies such as Instagram, Pinterest and Indian marquee customers
• Best practices for cost aware architecting, running lean, etc.
• Lean Startup Implementation on AWS